Tests for the laboratory from bacterial culture

Bringing Antimicrobial Stewardship into your practice

Dog Vet CRE-1


NG-TEST® Vet test are easy-to-use and allows to have results in 15 min bacteria culture without any instrument.

NG-TEST® Vet CRE detects the presence of all the 3 classes of carbapenemase hydrolytic enzymes expressed by carbapenemase producing bacteria, identifying up to the 5 major types of carbapenemase enzymes (NDM, IMP, VIM, OXA-48 and KPC) in Enterobacterales or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, from pure bacterial colonies.

For use in cats and dogs only

Targets Product Name Technology Description Code
KPC, OXA-48-like, VIM, IMP, NDM NG-TEST® Vet CRE Lateral flow 20 cassettes, buffer, 20 microtubes, 20 pipettes NGB-CAR-S23-021


NG-TEST® Vet CRE is a rapid and visual multiplex immuno-chromatographic assay that detects one or more of the five common types of carbapenemase enzymes (KPC (K), OXA-48-like (O), IMP (I), VIM (V), NDM (N)) from bacterial colonies. A positive result occurs when a red line appears on the control region (C) and one or more lines appear in the test regions (K, O, V, I, or N) and indicates that the sample contains one or more carbapenemases. A negative result occurs when only the control line is observed and indicates that the sample does not contain any of the 5 carbapenemases. If the control line does not appear, the test result is invalid.

Due to the increase in the percentage of infections caused by Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) bacteria, more information is needed about the expressed mechanisms of resistance to help guide the optimal antibiotic treatment and to manage infected patients appropriately.

At NG Biotech we continuously develop complementary products to provide clinicians will additional clinically relevant information to adequately treat patients.

Carba 5 Test