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NG-TEST® MCR-1 is a qualitative lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid detection of Colistin resistance, in less than 15 minutes.
It detects the presence of the MCR-1 enzyme responsible for Polymyxin E (colistin) resistance in Gram Negative bacteria, from a bacterial colony.

Targets Product Name Technology Description Code
MCR-1 NG-TEST® MCR-1 Lateral flow 20 cassettes, buffer, 20 microtubes, 20 pipettes NGB-MCR-S23-016


NG-TEST® MCR-1 is a qualitative rapid immunoassay for the detection of the MCR-1 enzyme in a bacterial colony obtained from culture. It is an in vitro diagnostic assay, for professional use only, that aids in the rapid identification of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The use of NG-TEST® MCR-1 in the laboratory provides information to inform appropriate antimicrobial therapeutic choices and support prompt infection control decision making and interventions.

The NG-TEST® MCR-1 can be easily implemented into any laboratory settings with minimal training. It requires minimal hands-on time, the preparation protocol is simple and no instrumentation is required.

Due to the increase in the percentage of infections caused by Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) bacteria, more information is needed about the expressed mechanisms of resistance to help guide the optimal antibiotic treatment and to manage infected patients appropriately.

At NG Biotech we continuously develop complementary products to provide clinicians will additional clinically relevant information to adequately treat patients.


Sensitivity: 100%  Specificity: 98.3%%


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